Look below for answers to frequent questions. If you don't see your issue addressed here, please contact us for personalized help.
About Accounts
  1. How can I open a new account ?
  2. How do I update my account information ?
  3. I have ordered by phone in the past, what is the next step to place an order?
  4. I forgot my password, how do I retrieve it?
  5. I do not receive any e-mails from your website, What can I do?

About placing a order
  1. How do I place my first order?
  2. How do I place a quick order?
First click on the new account link ,this link is on the top of the home page, or click here for a direct link. Follow the instructions, please don't forget to fill out all the required fields.
After this step, within 24 hours, you should receive an e-mail stating your login name and your new password , then login into your account and start shopping.

To update your account information,  login into your account and click again in account login to change your shipping, billing  or e-mail address.

First click on the new account link ,this link is on the top of the home page, or click here for a direct link, then follow the instructions. Do not download the customer information sheet, just fill out all the required field and click submit. Within 24 hours, you should receive an e-mail with your login name and your new password, Then login into your account and start shopping.

If you have forgotten your password, click here , then enter your login name and click on the submit button.

To add products to your basket, just login in to your account, browse the products, type in the desired quantity and click the add button. Click the basket button to see your order.

How do I place a quick order?

To place a quick order, click on the quick order button then type all your product numbers,  then the qty  and click on the basket button at the bottom.

Please check your spam rule and include these e-mail addresses or accept any e-mail from kheopsinternational.com
[email protected]
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